About this manual
SmartView - Installation and Use
Sixth edition (April 1999)
Part No. ADD0026/6
(c) 1999 Adder Technology Ltd.
All rights reserved. Whilst every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this
manual, Adder Technology Ltd assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the
information contained herein. We reserve the right to change the specifications,
functions and circuitry of the product without notice. All trademarks acknowledged.
Safety information
For use in dry, oil free indoor environments only.
Warning - live parts contained within power adapter.
No user serviceable parts within power adapter - do not dismantle.
Plug the power adapter into a socket outlet close to the SmartView.
Do not use power adapter if power adapter case becomes damaged, cracked or
broken or if you suspect that it is not operating properly.
Adder Technology Ltd warrants that this product shall be free from defects in
workmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of original
purchase. If the product should fail to operate correctly in normal use during the
warranty period, Adder will replace or repair it free of charge. No liability can be
accepted for damage due to misuse or circumstances outside Adder’s control. Also
Adder will not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury arising directly or
indirectly from the use of this product. Adder’s total liability under the terms of this
warranty shall in all circumstances be limited to the replacement value of this
If any difficulty is experienced in the installation or use of this product that you are
unable to resolve, please contact your supplier.
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Radio Frequency Energy
Shielded cables must be used with this equipment to maintain compliance with radio
frequency energy emission regulations and ensure a suitably high level of immunity
to electromagnetic disturbances.
European EMC directive 89/336/EEC
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
FCC Compliance Statement (United States )
a class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in
the European standard EN55022. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference. This
equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. However,
there is no guarantee that harmful interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment on and off, the user is encouraged to correct the
interference with one or more of the following measures: (a) Reorient
or relocate the receiving antenna. (b) Increase the separation between
the equipment and the receiver. (c) Connect the equipment to an
outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
connected. (d) Consult the supplier or an experienced radio / TV
technician for help.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause
interference to radio communication. It has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a class A computing device in accordance
with the specifications in Subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are
designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause
interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be
required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct the
interference. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Canadian Department of Communications RFI s tatement
This equipment does not exceed the class A limits for radio noise
emissions from digital apparatus set out in the radio interference
regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques
dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la
classe A prescrites dans le règlement sur le brouillage
radioélectriques publié par le ministère des Communications du
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1. Introduction..................................................................................... 5
1.1 Key features ........................................................................................... 5
1.2 Package contents................................................................................... 6
1.3 Product information ............................................................................... 6
2. Ins tallation....................................................................................... 8
2.1 What you will need ................................................................................ 8
2.2 Mounting the SmartView ....................................................................... 9
2.3 Connecting your devices ....................................................................... 9
2.4 Configuring your PCs ............................................................................ 10
2.5 Configuring the SmartView ................................................................... 10
2.6 Summary of SmartView configuration options ...................................... 11
2.7 Other useful installation information ...................................................... 13
2.8 Re-enabling a disconnected PS/2 mouse ............................................. 13
2.9 Hot plugging the SmartView into running systems and re-enabling
disconnected CPU PS/2 mouse connections .............................................. 14
3. Us ing the SmartView ..................................................................... 16
3.1 Power on status ..................................................................................... 16
3.2 Front panel key and remote controller ................................................... 16
3.3 Status display......................................................................................... 16
3.4 Keyboard hotkey control ........................................................................ 17
3.5 Mouse control ........................................................................................ 19
3.6 RS232 control ........................................................................................ 19
3.7 Cascading SmartViews ......................................................................... 19
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4. SmartView configuration options ................................................. 21
4.1 Screen saver time delay ........................................................................ 21
4.2 Display options ...................................................................................... 21
4.3 Autoscan lock on mode and delay time ................................................ 22
4.4 Mouse mode and mouse switching of channels .................................... 23
4.5 Keyboard hotkey combination ............................................................... 24
4.6 Firmware functions (version query, mouse restore and reset) .............. 25
4.7 Setting a security password .................................................................. 25
4.8 Cascade query code ............................................................................. 26
4.9 Cycling between all channels or just active channels ........................... 26
4.10 Exit configure mode ............................................................................ 26
A - Cable and connector specifications ................................................................ 27
B - Problem solving .............................................................................................. 29
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1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the Adder SmartView. Your SmartView is a high
performance keyboard, monitor and mouse sharing device which supports a wide
range of PC hardware and software platforms.
1.1 Key features
Control multiple PCs from a single keyboard, monitor and mouse.
SmartBoot feature automatically boots all machines during power up.
Mixed AT/PS2 keyboards and PS2/RS232 mice supported as standard.
Can be cascaded without limitation to provide a video switching network.
OVQ circuit ensures Optimum Video Quality even over extended distances.
Password security prevents unauthorised use.
Support for Microsoft IntelliMouse and other common wheel mice.
Remote control module for convenient operation (SV4 models).
Channel switching by front panel key, keyboard hotkey or 3 button/wheel mouse.
Automatically restores keyboard and mouse states when channel changed.
SV4 model can be controlled remotely via an RS232 serial port.
Supports high bandwidth monitors at resolutions up to 1600 x 1280 at 100Hz.
Mouse restoration functions to enable ‘hot plugging’ of certain systems.
Supports keyboard modes 1,2 and 3 and mouse prompt and stream modes for
maximum compatibility.
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1.2 Package contents
Power supply suitable for your country.
This installation guide.
1.3 Product information
Fig. 1(a). SmartView (SV4 vers ion s upporting 4 PCs )
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Fig. 1 (b). SmartView (SV2 vers ion s upporting 2 PCs )
Fig. 1 (c) - Remote control pad / dis play (optional acces s ory for 4 port models )
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2. Ins tallation
2.1 What you will need
Cables to connect the SmartView to each of your PC keyboard, video and mouse
ports. Cable specifications are given in appendix A. (You do not need to connect a
mouse cable if you are not using the mouse).
A monitor with a standard VGA/SVGA (15 pin) connector that will work when
connected directly to each of your PCs. SmartView supports low and high resolution
A standard AT or PS/2 style keyboard. If you are using an AT keyboard with a 5
pin connector you may connect this to the SmartView using a standard AT to PS/2
keyboard adapter.
A PS/2 style two or three button Microsoft or Logitech compatible mouse or a
Microsoft IntelliMouse compatible mouse. If you wish to use the mouse to switch the
SmartView's channel then you will need a three button mouse or an IntelliMouse.
(The SmartView supports ‘Internet Mice’ that are compatible with the Microsoft
IntelliMouse. These are fitted with a wheel or other scroll control and sometimes
have additional buttons. Examples are: Microsoft IntelliMouse, Logitech Pilot
Mouse+, Logitech MouseMan+, Genius NetMouse and Genius NetMouse Pro.)
A suitable mouse driver for your PCs. Supported types are:
- PS/2 or RS232 two button mouse driver (any manufacturer).
- Microsoft mouse driver (including IntelliMouse).
- Logitech mouse driver (including two button, three button and wheel mouse)
- Mouse drivers that use a compatible data format to the Microsoft IntelliMouse. You
may need to try these to assess their compatibility.
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Us e of PS/2 and RS232 s tyle mice with the SmartView - All of the mouse
connections from SmartView to PCs support either a PS/2 or an RS232 mouse.
SmartView automatically converts from the PS/2 mouse commands to RS232 serial
mouse commands. Serial mice types are selected by using an adapter as described
in Appendix A. This adapter is the same as is shipped with Microsoft® auto-sensing
mice. The SmartView will operate without a mouse connected if you do not wish to
use one.
2.2 Mounting the SmartView
The SmartView has been designed to be used either on a desktop or mounted close
to the computer system boxes which it is serving. If the SmartView is mounted away
from the desktop, you may find the optional remote control keypad/display unit a
useful accessory.
2.3 Connecting your devices
Ensure that the power is disconnected from the SmartView and all devices which
are to be attached. Connect the shared keyboard, PS/2 mouse and monitor to the
connectors at the front of the SmartView (see fig 1). Next connect each computer
system unit in turn with the keyboard cable, mouse cable and video cable. Any
unused computer connections can be left unconnected. To connect computers with
serial mouse connections and AT style keyboard connections use the apapters
supplied in the cabling pack as shown below. Alternatively, if you have chosen not to
purchase the cable pack, refer to appendix A for cable specifications.
The SmartView is now ready for connection to the mains using the mains power
adapter supplied. It is important to apply power to the SmartView first, then power on
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the monitor and each of the computers in turn. Failure to switch the SmartView and
computers on in the correct order can lead to the mouse and/or keyboard not being
recognised by the computers when they are switched on.
2.4 Configuring your PCs
Configure you PC in the same way that you would if your keyboard, mouse and
monitor were all connected directly to your PC, but bearing in mind the following
SmartView emulates Microsoft compatible serial, IntelliMouse and PS/2 mice, so
ensure that your PC software is configured for a Microsoft mouse of the correct type.
Refer to the list of supported drivers in section 2.1.
SmartView supports VGA/SVGA/XGA/XGA2 type monitors, but does not support
the automatic detection features available with some ‘plug and play’ monitors and
video cards. If you have this type of video card and monitor, you should select the
video mode manually instead of relying upon the automatic detection feature.
2.5 Configuring the SmartView
The SmartView is supplied pre-configured with factory defaults which are suitable for
most applications. There are a number of more advanced features and functions
which can be set by the user. These are stored in the SmartView's EEPROM
memory and are retained when the power is disconnected.
The options may be changed whilst the SmartView is in configure mode. You may
enter configure mode at initial power on or whilst the SmartView is running:
To enter configure mode at power on:
Switch off all the attached PCs and the SmartView. Hold down the SELECT key
whilst powering on the SmartView. Do not release the key until the SmartView
displays 'C' to show that it has entered configure mode.
To enter configure mode whils t the SmartView is running:
Hold down the SELECT key for 5 seconds until the front panel display shows ‘C’.
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In configure mode, options are entered by typing a letter followed by a number
followed by (enter). Use ESC to abort the entry of an option. The SmartView will
remain in configure mode until you type 'E' (enter).
For example: to set hotkey option 2 type the following at the 'C' prompt
(at SmartView 'C' prompt)
H 2
To exit configure mode type:
E e
2.6 Summary of SmartView configuration options
Full details of each of the configuration options and their uses are given in section 4.
B1 - screen saver disabled (default)
B2 - Blank screen after 1 minute of inactivity
B3 - Blank screen after 2 minutes of inactivity
B4 - Blank screen after 4 minutes of inactivity
B5 - Blank screen after 8 minutes of inactivity
B6 - Blank screen after 12 minutes of inactivity
B7 - Blank screen after 16 minutes of inactivity
B7 - Blank screen after 20 minutes of inactivity
D1 - Display dot flashes to indicate activity, right handed auxiliary display (default)
D2 - Display dot does not flash, right handed auxiliary display
D3 - Display dot flashes to indicate activity, left handed auxiliary display
D4 - Display dot does not flash, left handed auxiliary display
D5 - Display dot flashes, auxiliary display port configured for monitor light module
D6 - Display dot does not flash, auxiliary port configured for monitor light module
L1 - SmartView locks on to active ports only during autoscanning (default)
L2 - SmartView locks on to every port during autoscanning
L3 - SmartView powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to active ports only
L4 - SmartView powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to all ports
L7 - SmartView cascade query code = AD (default)
L8 – SmartView cascade query code = EF
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T1 - 2 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port (default)
T2 - 5 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T3 - 7 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T4 - 10 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T5 - 15 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T6 - 20 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T7 - 30 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T8 - 60 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
U1 - SmartView channels are switchable using a 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse (default) (SmartView reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)
U2 - SmartView channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse (SmartView reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)
U3 - SmartView channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse (SmartView reports 3 button mouse mode to PCs)
U4 - SmartView channels are switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse (SmartView reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)
U5 - SmartView channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse (SmartView reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)
U7 – Cycle between all ports when switching with ‘Hotkeys + Tab’ or three button
U8 – Cycle between active ports only when switching with ‘Hokeys + Tab’ or three
button mouse (default)
H1 - Hotkey combination is CTRL + ALT + command key (default)
H2 - Hotkey combination is CTRL + SHIFT + command key
H3 - Hotkey combination is ALT + SHIFT + command key
H4 - Hotkey combination is RIGHT ALT + command key
H5 - Hotkey combination is LEFT ALT + RIGHT ALT + command key
H6 - Hotkey combination is LEFT CTRL + LEFT ALT + command key
H7 - Hotkey combination is RIGHT CTRL + RIGHT ALT + command key
H8 - No hotkey combination enabled
F1 - Display firmware first digit
F2 - Display firmware second digit
F3 - Display firmware third digit
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function
F8 - RESET all configurations to default settings. (Display confirms with 'r').
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P - Sets password - see section 4.7 for instructions.
E - Exits configure mode and returns the SmartView to normal operation mode.
2.7 Other us eful ins tallation information
PC boot up s equence - When your PCs are powered on they communicate with
any attached keyboards and mice and setup parameters required by the particular
operating system. It is necessary for the SmartView to be attached and powered on
during this sequence so that it can give the required responses and keep track of all
the modes and settings requested by each of the connected PCs.
Mous e characteris tics - do not unplug a PS/2 mouse connection from a PC whilst
the PC is on. Due to the design of PS/2 mice communications the mouse function on
the PC will be lost and you will have to re-boot the PC to regain normal operation.
Unplugging the mouse from the SmartView will also cause it to stop operating when
it is plugged back in. RS232 mice can usually be unplugged and plugged back in
provided that a mouse was connected when the operating system initially booted.
The SmartView is fitted with a PS/2 mouse recovery system which allows you to
disconnect and re-connect the shared mouse without powering down the system
(although this is generally not advisable) - see section 2.8 for details.
Keyboard and mous e mode s witching - The SmartView keeps a log of the
keyboard and mouse mode and resolution settings requested by each of the
connected PCs. These settings are automatically restored to the shared keyboard
and mouse when the SmartView channel is switched thus ensuring maximum
software compatibility. The keyboard num, caps and scroll lock states are an
obvious example of this process.
2.8 Re-enabling a dis connected PS/2 mous e
If you disconnect the shared PS/2 mouse from the SmartView by accident during
operation then the mouse operation will be lost when the mouse is plugged back in.
To avoid having to reboot the entire system in this situation the SmartView is fitted
with an automatic mouse recovery system.
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With the PS/2 mouse disconnected, change the channel using the keypad or
keyboard hotkeys. The SmartView detects that the mouse has been disconnected
and triggers the automatic recovery system. Plug in the PS/2 mouse and the
SmartView will re-initialise it.
2.9 Hot plugging the SmartView into running s ys tems and re-
enabling dis connected CPU PS/2 mous e connections
It is adviseable to switch off the systems that are going to be connected to the
SmartView before installation. However if this is not possible then most systems can
be hot plugged by using the SmartView’s mouse restoration functions. The keyboard
connection will normally restore itself automatically.
On many PCs, mouse movement will be lost if the PS/2 mouse is unplugged and
plugged back in whilst the PC is running. Mouse movement can then only be
restored by rebooting the PC. This is because the mouse drivers only setup and
enable the mouse when the PC is initially booted.
If you have switched off your SmartView or you are attempting to ‘hot plug’ it into a
system that is already running, you may be able to restore lost mouse movement
using the SmartView's mouse restoration functions.
Mous e res toration functions s hould be us ed with care as unpredictable
res ults may occur if the wrong mous e type is s elected. If in doubt res tore the
mous e by powering down the PC normally.
Standard PS/2 mouse data uses a different data format to IntelliMouse data and so
two reset functions are provided on the SmartView. The type of data format
expected by the PC depends upon the driver and the type of mouse that was
connected when the driver was booted. The following table may be used as a guide.
Note that the mouse reset functions predict the likely mouse resolution settings but
may not restore the speed or sensitivity of the mouse exactly as they were when the
PC originally booted.
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Type of mous e / s ys tem Driver type
Connected at bootup
Likely expected
data format
Sugges ted
res toration
PS/2 only
PS/2 only
IntelliMouse / SmartView
IntelliMouse / SmartView
To restore lost mouse movement on a CPU connected to the SmartView:
1) Select the CPU that has lost its mouse movement
2) Press the select key on the front of the SmartView for 5 seconds until ‘C’ is
displayed. You are now in configure mode.
3) To restore a PS/2 mouse connection press
F 5
Or, to restore an IntelliMouse connection press
F 6
4) Exit from configure mode by typing
5) Test the mouse movement by moving the mouse a short distance.
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function
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3. Us ing the SmartView
This section explains the general operation of the SmartView. We recommend that
you read this section before starting to use the product.
3.1 Power on s tatus
At power on the SmartView selects PC number 1 and displays '1'. If a password has
been set then ‘P’ will be displayed and the SmartView will remain locked until a valid
password is entered.
3.2 Front panel key and remote controller
The front panel key is used to select which channel is currently connected to the
shared keyboard, mouse and monitor. It is also used to enter configuration mode
(see section 2.5). Pressing the key during normal operation will cause the next
channel to be selected. For the 2 port SmartView this cycles around ports 1 and 2.
For the 4 port SmartView this cycles around ports 1, 2, 3 and 4.
An optional remote controller is also available which replicates the front panel button
and display, but can be located remotely from the SmartView. This is particularly
useful in applications where the SmartView is located away from the desktop. The
remote controller can be conveniently attached to your keyboard with a couple of
Velcro strips to give instant channel information and key control.
3.3 Status dis play
The status display usually shows the currently selected port. If autoscan mode is
selected, the segments will illuminate in sequence in a clockwise direction
interspersed with a display of the currently selected channel. If SmartView has been
locked, ‘P’ will be displayed until a valid password has been typed to unlock the unit.
Data flow from the mouse or keyboard causes the dot to flash.
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3.4 Keyboard hotkey control
SmartView can be conveniently controlled by selecting channel, autoscan mode or
security locking from the keyboard. All of the hotkey control commands are invoked
by holding down the two hotkeys and then pressing a command key. By default, the
two hotkeys are ‘CTRL’ and ‘ALT’, although other combinations can be selected by
reconfiguring the hotkeys (see section 4.5). Once the hotkey command has been
activated you will need to release the hotkeys and the command key before a new
hotkey command is accepted by the SmartView. HOTKEYs + TAB is an exception
and this allows you to 'tab through' the ports by holding down the hotkeys and
repeatedly pressing TAB. If the SmartView has been set to cycle between active
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channels (see section 4.9) then only the active channels will be selected. Otherwise
the SmartView will cycle through all channels when using HOTKEYs + TAB.
The hotkey command are summarised below (note that the numbers on the numeric
keypad do not form part of a valid hotkey) :
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘1’ - selects channel 1
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘2’ - selects channel 2
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘3’ - selects channel 3
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘4’ - selects channel 4
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘TAB’ - selects the next active channel if the SmartView has been
set to scan active ports (see section 4.9). Selects the next numbered channel in
sequence if the SmartView is set to scan all ports.
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘A’ - selects autoscan mode where each channel is displayed for
the selected time (see section 4.3). To cancel autoscan mode simply select any
fixed channel either by hotkey or using the SmartView button.
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘0’ – switches off the video signal and displays 0. This will cause
some monitors to go into standby mode or switch off. The video signal can be re-
enabled by selecting a channel.
‘HOTKEYs ’ and ‘L’ - disables the SmartView's shared keyboard and mouse and
displays 0. The video signal is switched off. If a password has not been set then the
SmartView can be re-enabled by selecting a channel. If a password has been set
then the SmartView displays 'P' to indicate that a valid password must be entered to
unlock the switch. Simply type the same key combination as was set during
configuration (see section 4.8) followed by the (enter) key. Note - if anyone has
typed at the keyboard whilst in secure mode, it will be necessary to type (enter) first
to clear the invalid password, then type the valid password followed by (enter) again.
Examples of common hotkey sequences (assuming CTRL + ALT hotkey option):
To select channel 2:
press b a
b a
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To 'tab through' channels:
press b a v v v
release v v v b a
3.5 Mous e control
The channels can conveniently be changed on ADDERview by using a three button
mouse. In order to switch to the next channel simply hold down the central mouse
button (the wheel mouse button on an IntelliMouse) and click on the left hand mouse
button. The channel will then change. If the SmartView has been set to scan active
ports then the next active channel will be selected. If it has been set to scan all ports
then the next numerical channel in sequence will be selected (see section 4.9 for
more details)
Mouse switching may be enabled or disabled by setting options during configuration
(see section 4.4). When mouse switching is disabled the third button or wheel button
state is ‘passed through’ the SmartView and seen by the application software.
3.6 RS232 control
SmartView can be conveniently controlled by a remote RS232 device. This interface
is only fitted to SmartView 4 port products as shown in fig. 1. To select a channel the
data rate of the sending device must be set to 1200 baud, 8 bits, no parity and 1
stop bit. No handshaking is used by the SmartView. Simply send the character for
the channel which needs to be selected, for example ASCII ‘1’ (hex code 31) will
select channel 1, ASCII ‘2’ (hex code 32) will select channel 2 and so on.
3.7 Cas cading SmartViews
Any number of SmartView switches can be connected together to expand the
number of connected computers. This can be particularly useful where clusters of
computers are located some distance from each other because each unit acts as
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data booster and can each be up to 30 metres away from the next SmartView. The
channel can be selected on remote SmartView units using an extension of the
HOTKEY control function.
For example, consider a situation where two SmartView 4 port units are connected
together as shown below. To connect to the computer attached to port 3 on
SmartView B the user would hold down the hotkey keys then press ‘2’ followed by
‘3’, whilst keeping the hotkey keys pressed. This will have the effect of connecting to
port 3 of the SmartView which is connected into port 2 of the first SmartView unit A.
For example to connect to port 3 on the SmartView cascaded off port 2 of your first
SmartView use:
press b a
b a
A typical cascade of two SmartView 4 port units
When cas cading SmartViews you s hould ens ure that all the SmartViews are
s et to us e the s ame cas cade query code (s ee s ection 4.8).
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4. SmartView configuration options
All the options described in this section are entered in SmartView configure mode -
see section 2.5 for instructions on entering configure mode.
4.1 Screen s aver time delay
SmartView contains a programmable screen saver which will blank the display after
the set time delay with no keyboard or mouse activity. Simply typing at the keyboard
or moving the mouse will re-enable the display. The display will flash whilst the
SmartView is in screen save mode.
B1 - screen saver disabled (default)
B2 - Blank screen after 1 minute of inactivity
B3 - Blank screen after 2 minutes of inactivity
B4 - Blank screen after 4 minutes of inactivity
B5 - Blank screen after 8 minutes of inactivity
B6 - Blank screen after 12 minutes of inactivity
B7 - Blank screen after 16 minutes of inactivity
B8 - Blank screen after 20 minutes of inactivity
4.2 Dis play options
The SmartView display has a flashing dot which will activate whenever the keyboard
or mouse are used. Certain users may prefer to disable this flashing dot by setting
the D2, D4 or D6 options. The remote control pad / display is designed to fit on the
left or right hand side of the keyboard or monitor. Select the mode required so that
the port number appears in the correct orientation. Modes D5 and D6 are special
modes that support a monitor light module for use in banking and dealing room
applications where the keyboard and mouse only are being switched. The monitor
lights show which monitor is currently being controlled by the shared keyboard and
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D1 - Display dot flashes to indicate activity, right handed auxiliary display (default)
D2 - Display dot does not flash, right handed auxiliary display
D3 - Display dot flashes to indicate activity, left handed auxiliary display
D4 - Display dot does not flash, left handed auxiliary display
D5 - Display dot flashes, auxiliary display port configured for monitor light module
D6 - Display dot does not flash, auxiliary port configured for monitor light module
4.3 Autos can lock on mode and delay time
SmartView can be set to select each channel in turn for a period of time set by the
Autoscan delay time. Autoscan mode is entered by typing the hotkey keys together
with ‘A’. By default, only those channels which have a powered up computer
connected to them will be scanned. Sometimes it may be desirable to scan all
channels, even if the attached computer is switched off (this will simply show a blank
screen when it is selected). Computers 1 and 2 will be autoscanned on a 2 port
SmartView and computers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a 4 port switch if option L2 is selected.
Some applications may also require the SmartView to power on in autoscan mode.
This feature can be selected using the L3 or L4 options.
L1 - SmartView only locks on to active ports during autoscanning (default)
L2 - SmartView locks on to every port in turn during autoscanning
L3 - SmartView powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to active ports only
L4 - SmartView powers on in autoscan mode and locks on to all ports
T1 - 2 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port (default)
T2 - 5 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T3 - 7 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T4 - 10 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T5 - 15 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T6 - 20 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T7 - 30 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
T8 - 60 seconds autoscan delay time before switching to next port
note: Autoscan mode is ended simply by selecting a fixed channel using the keypad,
keyboard hotkeys or the mouse.
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Many modern monitors are fitted with automatic power save relays and will switch
off after a few seconds if connected to an inactive PC. If you are using such a
monitor you must not use the L2 feature. Constant switching on and off of your
monitor's relay will eventually damage your monitor.
4.4 Mous e mode and mous e s witching of channels
A three button PS/2 mouse or an IntelliMouse can be used to switch channels on the
SmartView by default. To switch to the next channel, the user simply holds down the
central button or wheel button and presses the left hand button to change channel. If
the user does not wish to take advantage of this feature, it can be disabled by
selecting U2, U3 or U5. If the third button is being used to switch the SmartView
then it is not available for use with PC software although the function of an
IntelliMouse wheel is not affected. Consequently in modes U1, U2 and U4 the
SmartView reports to the PCs that a 2 button mouse is connected. If you wish to use
the full function of a 3 button mouse or IntelliMouse for your PC software then you
should select options U3 or U5.
The SmartView supports ‘Internet Mice’ that are compatible with the Microsoft
IntelliMouse. These are fitted with a wheel or other scroll control and sometimes
have additional buttons. Examples are:
Microsoft IntelliMouse
Logitech Pilot Mouse +
Logitech MouseMan+
Genius NetMouse
Genius NetMouse Pro
You may configure your CPUs using Microsoft PS/2 or IntelliMouse drivers in any
combination as required. The IntelliMouse features are supported on both PS/2 and
RS232 CPU connections. When using PS/2 CPU connections, the SmartView will
automatically configure itself to the type of mouse requested by the driver. If you are
using RS232 CPU connections then you will need to select mouse options U4 or U5
to enable the IntelliMouse features.
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U1 - SmartView channels are switchable using a 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse (default)
(SmartView reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)
U2 - SmartView channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse
(SmartView reports 2 button mouse mode to PCs)
U3 - SmartView channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse
(SmartView reports 3 button mouse mode to PCs)
U4 - SmartView channels are switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse
(SmartView reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)
U5 - SmartView channels are not switchable using 3 button mouse
or IntelliMouse
(SmartView reports IntelliMouse mode to PCs)
4.5 Keyboard hotkey combination
The keyboard hotkey combination is used to change a channel, set autoscan mode
or secure the product (so that the password needs to be typed before it can be used
again). The following keyboard hotkey combinations can be selected. These hotkey
combinations are used together with the command keys to trigger the required
SmartView function. The left and right shift key combination is particularly suitable
for extended keyboards where additional keys can be programmed to act as a
combination of other keys. Such keyboards are supplied with many Gateway 2000
computers. Programming spare keys to trigger the hotkey combination allows
channels to be selected via a single key stroke.
H1 - ‘CTRL’ and ‘ALT’ keys together (left or right hand keys operate) (default)
H2 - ‘CTRL’ and ‘SHIFT’ keys together (left or right hand keys operate)
H3 - ‘ALT’ and ‘SHIFT’ keys together (left or right hand keys operate)
H4 - ‘RIGHT ALT’ key
H5 - ‘LEFT ALT’ and ‘RIGHT ALT’ keys together
H6 - ‘LEFT CTRL’ and ‘LEFT ALT’ keys together
H7 - ‘RIGHT CTRL’ and ‘RIGHT ALT’ keys together
H8 - No hotkey enabled
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4.6 Firmware functions (vers ion query, mous e res tore and res et)
For technical support purposes, it may be necessary to find the firmware release
version for the control software in your SmartView. For example, if the release
version is v1.02 the response shown to F1(enter) will be a brief display of the digit
‘1’, then F2(enter) will be a brief display of the digit ‘0’, then F3(enter) will be a brief
display of the digit ‘2’. You can reset all of the configured options back to the factory
default states by typing F8. Use options F5 and F6 to restore mouse function on
disconnected PS/2 CPU mouse connections. See section 2.9 for full details.
F1 - Display firmware first digit
F2 - Display firmware second digit
F3 - Display firmware third digit
F5 - Restore PS/2 mouse function to the currently selected CPU’s mouse port
F6 - Restore IntelliMouse function to the currently selected CPU’s mouse port
F8 - Reset all configurations to factory default settings. An ‘r’ will show briefly on the
display to confirm that the reset has been completed.
4.7 Setting a s ecurity pas s word
There are many situations where unrestricted access to corporate file servers or
sensitive information needs to be controlled. In such circumstances, the SmartView
can be locked away in a room or secure cabinet and controlled remotely. In this
mode typing the keyboard hotkeys together with 0 will blank the screen, disconnect
the keyboard and mouse from all of the computers and display ‘P’ on the SmartView
display. Control can only be regained by typing the correct password on the
To set the password in configure mode, first type ‘P’ then (enter). The display on
SmartView will change to show ‘=‘ and you can then type your password. The
password is not case sensitive and can be any combination of key strokes, including
the function keys, but excluding the (ctrl), (alt), (shift) and (enter) keys. When you
have typed in your password type (enter) to register it in the stored memory. Do not
worry if you type the password incorrectly, you can always re-enter configure mode
and set the password again.
NOTE - The password consists of a combination of key strokes rather like the code
to a safe. The key strokes are not case sensitive and can include all the keys on the
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keyboard (except ctrl, alt, shift and enter). Consequently the following 'password'
would be valid:
o F R E D
4.8 Cas cade query code
The SmartViews use a special ‘query code’ to detect whether or not they are
connected to another SmartView. By default your SmartView uses query code AD.
SmartView units with firmware versions less than 1.18 used query code EF. This
was found to conflict with a small number of other (rare) devices that used the same
query code so an alternative query code was provided to ensure compatibility. Either
query code may be used but you should make sure that all cascaded SmartView
units are set to use the same query code. If any of the cascaded SmartViews have
firmware versions less than 1.18 then the cascade query code for all the
SmartViews should be set to EF.
L7 – Cascade query code = AD (default)
L8 – Cascade query code = EF
4.9 Cycling between all channels or jus t the active channels
The SmartView can be set to cycle between all channels or just the active channels
when using ‘Hotkeys + Tab’ or a three button mouse to switch the channel. This
avoids wasting time viewing channels that are not active. Option are:
U7 – Cycle between active ports only when switching with ‘Hokeys + Tab’ or three
button mouse (default)
U8 – Cycle between all ports when switching with ‘Hotkeys + Tab’ or three button
4.10 Exit configure mode
When you have finished configuring any special options, simply type ‘E’ followed by
(enter) to exit configure mode and return to normal operation mode. The attached
computers can now be switched on.
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Appendix A. Cable and connector
s pecifications
The maximum cable lengths s upported vary widely between devices and
cables . It may be pos s ible to us e cables that are longer than thos e s pecified
below with certain PCs and peripherals but this cannot be guaranteed. If you
experience problems try us ing s horter cables .
A1. Keyboard, monitor and mous e to SmartView
Cable s pecification:
All of the shared devices plug directly into the relevant ports at the front of the
SmartView. If you use an AT style keyboard you will need an AT (5 pin DIN female)
to PS/2 (6 pin mini-DIN male) converter. Keyboard, monitor and mouse extension
cables can be used to increase the distance from SmartView up to 10m.
A2. SmartView to PCs 1 to 4
Cable s pecifications :
Video - 15 pin high density male D connector to 15 pin high density male D
connector wired as a standard VGA PC to monitor cable. There are two types
commonly available. The best type cables which will give excellent quality are
constructed with coaxial cable cores. Cheaper ‘data’ cables are often used, but can
degrade video quality if used over longer distances. Avoid using 'data' cables longer
than 2 metres unless the video quality is not important. Good quality coaxial video
cables may be run at distances up to 50 metres with little loss of video quality.
Keyboard and PS/2 mice - 6 pin mini-DIN male connector to 6 pin mini-DIN male
connector with all lines connected straight through (1-1,2-2 etc.). If the PC has a 5-
pin DIN AT style keyboard connector you will need a PS/2 to AT keyboard adapter
6-pin mini-DIN female to 5-pin DIN male (readily available). Cables should be no
longer than 30 metres.
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RS232 s erial mice - these require a special converter to connect the RS232 lines
present on the SmartView mouse ports to the RS232 port on a PC. The wiring is
identical to that used by Microsoft for their autosensing mouse adapter and is shown
Cables should be no longer than 30 metres.
A3. Expans ion port pin as s ignments (SmartView 4 port only)
The 15 way D connector located on the front of all 4 port SmartViews provides
connections for the remote control module and allows an external RS232 device to
control the SmartView. See section 3.5 for more details.
Pin 9 = GND
Pin 11 = RXD
Other pins to be left unconnected
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Appendix B. Problem Solving
Poor video quality with smearing fuzziness or ripple.
Use screened coaxial video cables to connect your devices to the SmartView.
Mouse does not move cursor on screen.
Ensure that the mouse and computer are both connected to SmartView before the
power is connected and ensure that the SmartView is powered on before the
attached computer. Ensure that your software is configured to accept a Microsoft
compatible mouse of the type that you have connected (PS/2 or RS232). If you
move the mouse and the activity indicator (dot on 7 segment display) does not flash
then the SmartView is not receiving data from the mouse. Check the mouse
connection to the SmartView, try resetting the mouse using the reset function
(section 2.8) or re-powering the SmartView. If you are attempting to connect the
SmartView to a CPU with a PS/2 mouse connection that has not been powered
down then you will need to use the mouse restoration functions F5 or F6 (see
section 2.9).
Keyboard does not function of functions intermittently. Num lock light does not
always come on when the num lock key is pressed.
Some older keyboards were designed for use with specific computers and are not
truly AT or PS/2 compatible. These are not common but if you experience problems
try another keyboard.
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Mouse causes channel to change.
Some cheaper mice are not fully compatible with the SmartView and can lose data
causing the channel to be changed (if mouse switching of channels is enabled). If
you experience this problem then change the mouse and use a Microsoft, Logitech,
IBM, Compaq or Hewlett-Packard type. Ensure that you are using a Microsoft
compatible mouse driver on your PC. Some other manufacturers’ drivers may switch
the mouse to use a proprietary mouse data format not supported by the SmartView.
If you have unplugged and re-connected a mouse to the SmartView then ensure
that you reset it using the mouse reset function (see section 2.8).
Mouse jumps around the screen after disconnecting the mouse cable or powering
down the SmartView.
If you have disconnected and re-connected a CPU mouse cable or you have
powered down the SmartView then the mouse data format may be out of
synchronisation with that required by the PC (PS/2 or Intellimouse). Try the ‘restore
Intellimouse’ function (F6) to resolve the problem or re-power the CPU.
Mouse consistently fails to boot when using a Compaq integrated keyboard / mouse
model MX11800 with the SmartView, Windows NT 4.0 and a PS/2 connection to
some types of PCs.
There are three possible solutions to this problem: 1) Use a different mouse.
2) Connect the SmartView mouse connection to a serial port on the NT 4.0 unit
rather than the PS/2 port. 3) Select channel 0 or a port that is not connected to an
NT 4.0 box whilst NT is booting. Use the system normally once the logon screen
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